What is occupational therapy?
Occupational therapy (OT) can be a very beneficial form of treatment. OT gets its name from the belief that we all possess “occupational roles” in our lives (e.g., parent, hobbyist, spouse or employee). OT care helps to build or restore basic motor functions and cognitive and emotional skills to execute these roles. An occupational therapist can:
OT exists to help restore independent, productive and fulfilling lives to individuals who may be struggling with mental, developmental, physical or emotional difficulties. It can help these people develop, recover or maintain daily living and work skills. OT promotes independence to maximize functional abilities, and it takes into account the patient's physical, psychological and social well-being, in addition to environmental factors.
ADLs and IADLs
Occupational therapy helps with two different types of activities. These include activities of daily living (ADLs) and instrumental activities of daily living (IADLs). Activities of daily living (ADLs) can include:
Instrumental activities of daily living (IADLs) include:
How occupational therapists help
Occupational therapists use a combination of assessment and treatment to help patients develop, recover or maintain the daily living and work skills to achieve independence in all areas of their lives. OT concentrates on adapting the environment, modifying the task, teaching the skill and educating the patient or family to be better able to participate in and perform daily activities. Occupational therapists’ services typically include:
At Pomona Valley Health Centers, one of our highly sought out occupational therapists is also certified in hand therapy. Our Certified Hand Therapist (CHT) treats hundreds of patients each month to help them with various hand issues. With the guidance of a CHT, patients can regain hand function after major trauma, and surgery, as well as degenerative and other disabling diseases.
Pomona Valley Health Centers offer a wide variety of services for exceptional treatment and care for you and your family. Call today at 909-630-7888 to schedule an appointment.